“These lockers are amazing, one of the best designs I've ever seen for secure parking, short and long term.”
Larry Chinn,
Palo Alto, CA

We’re here to help.

  1. First check out our frequently asked questions page.
  2. If this is an urgent issue, such as an immediate security or safety issue or your bike is stuck and you need help right away, call us 24/7 at 1-888-540-0546
  3. Still have a problem? File a ticket below, we’ll get your questions answered.

This helps us make sure you get the right answer as fast as possible.

The more we know, the better able we are to help you. What sounds did you hear? What error messages or text did you see on the screen? You can attach photos and videos below.

Users are our eyes and ears on the ground! Thanks for helping us out.

Hate contact forms? Email us at support@bikelink.org

You can visit us or send mail to:

800 Heinz Ave, Suite 11
Berkeley CA 94710